Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Self-portrait by Will Evans

Earlier this morning Will told us that he wanted to draw a picture. In the past when he's drawn something it was usually a bunch of scribbles and a circle or other shape here and there. But today he surprised us with this:

He had drawn a picture of himself, complete with a face, hands, and feet, plus he WROTE HIS NAME! (it really is in there, despite my horrible picture-taking) I've been hoping he'd learn how to do that for the longest time, and it finally happened. It was such a fun moment for all of us. He's growing up into a great young man and we are very proud of all his accomplishments.


Laura H. said...

I love it! So cute.

phyllis bestor said...

What fun to see how much Will's parents appreciate his accomplishments. Be sure to have him draw a picture for Grandma Phyllis and Grandpa Rollie and send it to us.