Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Trip

We had a wonderful vacation in Ohio with my cousin Jesika and her family. It wasn't quite like having Thanksgiving with everyone at home, but we made do with what we had, and had a fabulous time.

The weary traveler

The whole gang in Kirtland. Our hotel was only a mile or two away, so we had a great time here

The original Newel K. Whitney store

The main area of the store

This was the Whitney's home. I thought it was so cute.

One thing I love about the midwest is how beautiful the trees are. We saw some great scenery while we were driving and walking around the area

The whole gang at the restaurant where we had Thanksgiving lunch. It was called Mapleside Farms, and it was a really nice atmosphere and good food.

Will hamming it up for the camera

Jesika's really excited to dig into all the yummy food

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