Sunday, March 25, 2012

And A Little Child Shall Lead Them

Next week is General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Members of the Church are instructed, uplifted, and encouraged in many different topics. Families like ours that have young children often find it difficult to sit still for 4 hours. I've often wondered if Will and Kayla actually get anything out of Conference. Well this morning I was definitely humbled and taught. Will informed us that he wanted to prepare for Conference next week by watching talks from the previous Conference. So we found the link, Will set up chairs for us to sit on in the living room, and we all sat through at least one talk. I definitely felt the Spirit as I watched my children being kind to each other and watching an apostle of the Lord instruct us. I am grateful that Will and Kayla are learning about the importance of listening to Conference and the blessing it can bring into our family.


phyllis bestor said...

What a precious thought. . . seeing Will set up chairs for your little family and then obediently watching together. You parents are doing a bang-up job with your
children. I know that they have their own wonderful ideas and feelings, but you parents have helped to lead them there. Love you all.

Lizzy said...

What a darling boy. That is seriously the sweetest thing.