Monday, February 8, 2010

Putting things into perspective

Yesterday I was talking to someone about how frustrated I get sometimes with Will's behavior. I know that a lot of it is normal for a 4-year-old, but it still stresses me out and makes me mad sometimes. This person I was talking to listened to me for a few minutes, then he told me something that I hadn't really thought for a while. He said that someday Will is going to grow up to be an adult and become something great. He then told me a couple of funny stories he had heard about President Monson when he was a little boy. It made me feel a little bit better to hear that even the prophet of the Church wasn't always on his best behavior as a child. So I'm making a new goal to look at Will not as he is right now but as he could be in the future.


Phyllis Bestor said...

Wonderful advice: sometimes we expect these little people to be like adults. . thank Heavens they aren't. They need a chance to try things out with parents' council.

Jesika Harmon said...

Oh that's so good! I'm totally going to remember that when Bree is having a melt down...THANK YOU!! I actually needed that tonight!