Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I blame this lame post on 1) the fact that I don't feel like folding the mountain of laundry I did earlier today, 2) the fact that nothing really interesting or exciting has happened to any of us lately, and 3) the fact that I have a captive audience, it's my blog, and I can't post about whatever I want! So here is a quick update on what's been going on at the Evans household lately.

Bill-He's diligently working on a PhD in Physics (almost 2 semesters done...about a bazillion to go! :S), as well as being a T.A. for an undergraduate class. I have been appointed his assistant grader. We have what we call "grading parties" (yes I know, we're dorks). He also teaches Elder's quorum once a month, and seems to be enjoying it. I often want to be a fly on the wall to see him teach, but I'm sure he does a great job. When he's not at school or at work, he's being a wonderful husband and father. He runs errands for me, takes care of Will more than he probably ought to, and manages to stay optimistic about life in spite of the daily challenges of being a PhD student.

Kristin-My days consist of laundry, dishes, vacuuming, making meals, going to endless doctor's appointments, preparing my Gospel Doctrine lesson, and taking care of the cutest kid in the world. Definitely not the most glamorous job in the world, but my heart melts when I see how happy Will is to be spending the day with me, or when Bill comes home at the end of the day and thanks me for doing what I do. I admit, I have really bad days sometimes, and I feel like throwing in the towel and letting someone else take over, but when I really sit down and think about it, I realize just how lucky and blessed I am, and I pick myself up and make the most of my day (wow, that was a really long sentence!)

Will-He has grown so much in such a short time that it's hard to believe he's only 2 1/2 years old. He's talking up a storm, sounding more and more like a little boy, and lately we've started calling him our "tornado" because he's constantly on the go from one activity to another. I think he might have inherited some of the Bestor musical genes, because whenever he sings, he's actually on pitch some of the time! He's also got an amazing memory. I often catch him quoting lines from movies or books, and he's pretty dead-on. He enjoys playing the piano, playing with Mom's guitar, reading books either with Mommy or by himself, and getting into as much as he can without getting caught. He can throw a mean tantrum at times, which can be stressful for all three of us, but for the most part he's a very calm, happy, energetic little boy who makes life very exciting.

So there you have it. A little glimpse into our lives. Life has thrown us curve balls and given us some unique challenges, but we're doing our best to make the most of it, and continue on the path that will lead to ultimate joy and happiness.


Kurt said...

You guys are really making this young family thing work. I'm a very proud dad, dad-in-law, and "babu!"

Petrina Bestor said...

sHellooo Evans!
Your Dad finally sent me your blog link and I really loved catching up on your news and a glimpse into your day to day activities.
As you know, unlike your Dad, the computer is a work horse vs. social tool, but I realize I need to get with the times!
Take care and here's to keeping in touch.
Big hugs and love,
Petrina x

Sharon said...

I know what you mean about feeling like there's so much to do. It seems I should get so much more done when I'm home all day! I also agree that the little smiles really lift the spirit!