Thursday, September 11, 2008

Cross your fingers

Those of you whose husbands are in graduate school (or those of you who are brave enough to conquer it yourself) know that it can sometimes be hard to find a research group that you click with and are excited to work for. You're committing a vast majority of the next few years to these people, for goodness sake! Ever since we moved to Illinois last summer, Bill has been trying to find a group so that he can get started on his PhD dissertation research. Up until now he hasn't had the best luck. Either the subject of the research wasn't interesting, or there was a personality clash with the advisor, or any number of other problems. Well, with any luck, his problems might be over sooner than we thought. Earlier today he was able to meet with some students and go on a lab tour, and when I talked to him he sounded like it might actually be a good possibility. Yay! Even though we still have a long road ahead of us, at least we might have a starting point. So keep your fingers crossed that it all works out!


Phyllis Bestor said...

Good to have made a decision like that. Bill, I read about the underground physics thing in Switzerland. . . Sounds scary to me. What is the purpose of doing what they are doing.

The 3 Nomads said...

That is fabulous news! Please keep us posted on what happens!!

EvePate said...

Kristin and Bill,

This is great news! Choosing a project and advisor was extremely stressful for me. This is indeed a great starting point; a starting point of a marathon with no predetermined length or mapped course or well-defined finish line! But you can do it; I know the Lord will guide you. Make it what you want it to be and be sure to have fun occasionally too.