Saturday, September 20, 2008

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

As parents, we always have to be on our guard about what we say or do in front of our children. I'm learning how important that is now that Will is old enough to imitate basically anything that Bill and I do. Luckily, most of the things that Will decides to imitate are either really sweet or really funny. Case in point: Just a few minutes ago Will discovered a small copy of the New Testament on our shelf. He picked it up and started walking around the house saying "Dear Heavenly Father, we thank thee bless the food, in the name of Christ Amen" (This is his prayer for EVERYTHING unless we help him say other things). Once done with the prayer he continued by saying "Chapter 18" followed by a few random words. Basically, he has been with us enough times while we've been having family scripture study that he knows the routine quite well. So even though I worry every once in a while about some of the things that he might be absorbing, I'm glad to know that something positive is leaking in there occasionally.


Phyllis Bestor said...

I can just picture this little guy walking around with the Scriptures imitating the good things that he has heard from his mother and father. This quote is good: "All children have the capacity to absorb their culture!" So . . . we need to make sure to the best of our ability that the "culture" in which they live is a good one to absorb because they will whether we like it or not!

Jessica Macdonald said...

Hey Kristen,
I am so excited for you guys! Congratulations! When will you find out what you are having? I will put your blog on ours.

I have a favor to ask of you. All of us are fasting for Brooke tomorrow or Tuesday because she is getting invitro done. I know you can't fast because you are pregnant, but will you keep her in your prayers during the next couple of days? Thanks so much sweetie. I need your email. Love, Jess