Monday, May 5, 2008

I'm a believer!

I used to think that leashes for children was something unusual and cruel...until I had a child. Now I love them! The minute that Will is outside he loves to run around and play, and often doesn't want to come back when we need him to. This was a huge problem for me, especially since I can't go very fast on surfaces like grass and sand. Luckily for me, a friend in the ward offered to loan me the one she had been using. I've used it a number of times now, and it has made a HUGE difference. I'd recommend it to anyone whose child is a runner like mine.


Phyllis Bestor said...

Yeah! It keeps him safe and that is all that matters. I have seen them used frequently. I can imagine that he is a fast moving little machine!

Laura H. said...

Amen! We don't have one and haven't used one. BUT... I have seen them in use all over. I have a friend with a toddler and a new baby and there is no way she could go to a place like the zoo without it. I also used to think they were a horrible invention. But I guess you can't judge until you're in someone else's shoes. :)

Sharon said...

I experience feelings like this all the time...I make a judgment and then my child humbles me and I realize I judged way too quickly and incorrectly. Hopefully I'm learning my lesson and judging less in the first place these days!