Monday, May 19, 2008

Kids say the darnedest things

Anyone remember that show? I think there were two different versions of it, and I loved it. It definitely applies to Will these days. Case in point: this weekend we attended Stake Conference and we had to bring Will with us to the adult session on Saturday night. After the session Will and I were waiting out in the hall for Bill. We were standing right by the restrooms and the drinking fountain, and Will had fun watching everyone who came over to get a drink or use the restroom. He would give me a running commentary on everything that certain people did - "He's getting a drink. Now he's going outside. Is he sad?" But the funniest part of the evening was when Will saw someone going into the restroom, and he proceeded to tell me "He's going to go and change his diaper." I had to work really hard not to laugh hysterically until I repeated the experience to Bill later. I love how innocent and shameless little children are in what they say and do.

1 comment:

Phyllis Bestor said...

I am actually laughing out loud at Will's comment. I can't wait to tell Grandpa Rollie. What a hoot! Kristin, thanks for sharing so many of these neat moments! Love you all