Friday, August 15, 2008

Our Big Boy

When Grandma and Grandpa Evans came to visit us, they brought a special gift for Will - his brand new "big boy" bed, which his daddy also used for many years growing up. For the first couple of days the bed was used as a trampoline and a play area for Will and his cousin Alice, but in the last day or two we've actually had a couple of successes. One day he slept in it for his nap, and last night he actually slept in it the whole entire night. Granted, that meant he woke up around 5:30 am and none of us got much sleep after that, but hopefully that won't last forever. Now if only potty-training could be so easy :S

This bed is really great. It's got built-in bookshelves, and we even added the quilt that Grandma Evans made Will for Christmas last year.

You know you're a parent when you get a thrill out of taking a picture of your child sleeping.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So Benjamin has been talking non-stop about when "Pig Will" came over and played with him and how fun it was. Don't worry...I don't think he thinks Will is a pig. He read Richard Scarry's "Pig Will and Pig Won't" a while back and it for some reason it really stuck with him.