Saturday, January 19, 2008

My wonderful husband

Ok, call me weird, but I am so excited that I got blog-tagged by Mary P., because I love bragging about my husband. So have fun!

-What is his name? William Ray Evans
-How long have you been together? We will be married 4 years on July 10

-How long did you date? Hmm, that's a tricky question...We started "hanging out" around May or June of 2003, but I'm not really sure when we decided we were officially dating. So I guess I'll say we "dated" for 10 months before we got engaged, then another 4 months until we got married.
-How old his he? He'll be 27 in June

-Who eats more? I'll probably shoot myself later for admitting this, but it kind of depends on what we're eating. Bill eats more most of the time, as far as regular meals, but I have been known to eat quite a bit, especially junk food.
-Who said I love you first? I think it was Bill, right after our first kiss.
-Who is taller? Ha! EVERYONE is taller than me, considering I sit down all the time. But even if I were able to stand up, he would still be taller than me.
-Who can sing better? Bill would probably say that I do, but he can carry a tune pretty well most of the time.
-Who is smarter? I think we both have our different strengths. I'm fairly good at things like music or Psychology (my major in college) and Bill is great with things like math, science, and history. He also seems to know a lot of random trivia.
-Who does the laundry? Since we've moved to Illinois, I've ended up doing it the majority of the time, because I'm the one who's home more often. When we were living in Wymount, Bill did it every single week, since I couldn't carry everything up to the laundry room by myself, so I think he deserves a break for a while.
-Who pays the bills? Definitely Bill. I've tried to get involved in that, but it either ends up depressing me (when I see how much money we DON'T have) or I get confused.
-Who sleeps in the right side? If you're looking at the bed, I do, because there's more room on that side for my chair.
-Who mows the lawn? The apartment management. But I'm sure once we get a lawn, Bill will end up doing it until our kids are old enough to help.
-Who cooks dinner? Most of the time I do, unless I'm having a down day, then Bill saves the day.

-Who drives? When we're together it's usually Bill, because he has a better sense of direction than I do, and I tend to get a little stressed out when I'm driving with him.
-Who is more stubborn? Ya know, we've asked ourselves this question a lot. I think it's kind of half-and-half.
-Who kissed who first? Bill kissed me first. It's kind of a cute little story. We were sitting in his car in the driveway of my apartment talking, then out of the blue he says "Have you ever been kissed?" I said no, then he leaned over and kissed me.
-Who asked who out first? This is a funny story. I was taking Marriage Prep at BYU, and one of our assignments was to ask someone out on a date. So one day while Bill and I were eating lunch I happened to be talking about the assignment, so I decided to ask him. He told me later that he was kind of hinting that he wanted me to ask him, but at the time I was totally clueless.
-Who proposed? Bill did - twice. I love telling the story, so if you ever want to hear about it, let me know!
-Who has more friends? Hmm, I think that I do, but I'm not really sure. Bill always says I'm the more social one, but he's got quite a few close friends that he still keeps in touch with.
-Who is more sensitive? I am definitely a lot more emotional than Bill is, but we are both pretty sensitive in different ways.

-Who has more siblings? Bill win hands down. He's the middle of 5, and I only have one sister.
-Who wears the pants? I think we try and make sure that we talk things over with each other and make decisions together.

I think I have the most amazing and husband in the world (although I'm sure the rest of you would say the same thing about yours). I love you honey!

Oh yeah, I tag Susan E., Laura H., and Jesika H.


Sharon said...

These are so fun to read. Great stories...why'd he have to propose twice? People keep leaving me hanging! I love the story of the first kiss. :)

mary said...

I loved this, Kristin! Do tell why he proposed twice, and I thought all your little stories were SO SO great! Haha! What a fun post.