Thursday, January 31, 2008

Observations of a mother part 2

It's been way too long since I've posted anything about Will, and let's face it, he's the most important member of our family these days (Just ask his great-grandma Phyllis). So here are some funny and cute things that Will says or does on a regular basis. I'm amazed that I managed to get some great videos and pictures to go along with some of them. So here is a mother's shameless posting of her child's talents and quirks.

-He likes to watch "the movie about the doggy" (Because of Winn-Dixie), "the movie about the lion" (The Chronicles of Narnia), and "Doo-doo-doo" (The Best Two Years)
-He's at that wonderful stage where kisses and hugs from Mommy make everything better
-He knows how to say simple prayers, and even when someone else is saying it he always helps end it by saying "say these things...Christ...amen"
-When we get him out of time-out, he'll proceed to repeat back to us what he's not supposed to do (i.e. "Don't bite the doggy's nose")
-When Daddy is in the bathroom he knocks on the door and says "Honey!" like he's calling to him like Mommy does
-He can "read" (say sentences from memory) certain books because we've read them to him so many times

-When he goes somewhere with Daddy, he likes to push the button on the outside of our house and talk to Mommy on the intercom before coming inside
-He can recognize and name all of the previous and current members of the First Presidency, plus a couple of the previous prophets

-He likes to imitate Daddy. Some of the cutest things he does are lie back on the couch and pretend he's sleeping, or go up to Mommy and say "Thank you for your patience"
-When Mommy and Daddy are reading from the Book of Mormon, he likes to sit at the table with his own copy and "wead scwipoes" with them
-When we finish reading a book with him he says "Be end."
-He loves listening to Babu (my dad - Babu means Grandpa in Swahili) on the "radio" (CD)
-When he plays with his toy phone he says "Heyo"
-He calls strawberries "stwabewawiwawies"
-He handed me a wipe and said "Here's a bum"
-He has started taking off his clothes by himself, especially pajamas. Sometimes I'll go in to get him up in the morning and I'll find him in just a diaper.

So needless to say, I've got a pretty funny child who keeps us all entertained every day. We love you Will!


Sharon said...

How fabulous! You've got a smart one! What a fun age!

Phyllis Bestor said...

Kristin & Bill, I have to respond because little Will is precious in my eyes too. What a little smartie! and I know that his parents are right there along with him. . . showing him good stuff. Kristin, keep up the posting and write stuff down in your book because too soon, you forget those precious things.

Hafen girls story club said...

What a cute little boy you have! It's funny what they say at that age, isn't it?

Jill said...

hey you two! keep up the great work with little wilford! I can tell you are spending great time with him.'s a great thing!!

The Ballard Family said...

I laughed out loud at this post. He is so smart. I love the jammies-in-hand picture too. Priceless!