Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Can't we all just get along?

I realized something a little disturbing today - There are a number of children's songs or rhymes that deal with animals attacking each other. For example, today Will and I talked about the word "alligator" as part of our continuing to learn about the letter A. I found a rhyme/song that goes a little something like this:

5 little monkeys swinging on a tree
Teasing the alligators "Can't catch me"
Along came an alligator, quiet as can be
And snatched a monkey right out of the tree

I know it's a harmless little song, and Will enjoyed learning it. I guess I just wish that there were more songs about animals getting along with each other. Kinda makes me wonder what our society is turning out to be.

1 comment:

Phyllis Bestor said...

Very insightful, Kristin. Today as parents we need to be very aware of the subtleties even though this one you mentioned is probably not harmful. Our children love animals and know that Heavenly Father created them to be loved and treated just as kindly as we would other children.